Experience-Driven Technology Company
Turkey’s leading brands trust us in providing innovative e-commerce technologies.

Excellent Business Solutions in eCommerce
We make a difference in the e-Commerce industry with unique, experience-based software solutions.

Excellent Business Solutions in eCommerce
We make a difference in the e-Commerce industry with unique, experience-based software solutions.

Experience-Driven Technology Company
Turkey’s leading brands trust us in providing innovative e-commerce technologies.

Together with Esfa Grup, which we are part of, we are proud to serve the leading brands in Turkey and throughout the world.

About Us
A Perfect Digital Experience
In e-Commerce, we are focused on enhancing the manufacturer, seller and customer experience through our digital business solutions.
We Design Original Software Solutions
We develop unique insight-based software solutions in a flexible structure to suit your needs.

Our Services

Artificial Intelligence Solutions in eCommerce
In e-commerce, we add value to our business partners through solutions such as intelligent Customer Experience Measurement, Automatic Benchmarking, and Artificial Intelligence-based Smart Pricing.
Ecological and Fast
Delivery Solutions
We offer our customers an eco-friendly, fast, safe and cost-effective delivery experience with our smart planning, packaging and delivery solutions for e-commerce. Click Here for detailed information about ⠀

Iris: Next-Generation Warehouse Management System
It is one of our smart software solutions that ensures high quality and efficiency in our e-Commerce warehouse delivery operations.

Innovative Mobile Applications
In e-Commerce, we develop flexible and innovative solutions that bring employees and employers together.
Let’s continue the journey together; we invite you to join us!
Existing Postings
Our Address
Singularity Software Technologies
Zaim Teknopark, Halkalı Caddesi, No: 281/23-36
Küçükçekmece / Istanbul / Turkey
Our Contact Address
Singularity Software Technologies is a company of Esfa Grup Inc.